Saturday, April 08, 2006

DURANGO: The City of Durango has released its annual report for 2005. It notes that the Department of Planning and Community Development is responsible for overseeing the review, development and inspection of private and public development projects, and implementation of plans and programs related to the location and quality of the City's growth and development.

In 2005, the planning staff restarted the Comprehensive Plan Update process and saw the Residential Infill Design Guidelines process to adoption. The Downtown Vision and Strategic Plan as well as the Three Springs Development Agreement projects were also completed to adoption. Three Springs is the development that will occur surrounding the new Mercy Medical Center. In addition, the department initiated review of the Three Springs Codes and Standards, adopted revised Downtown Design Guidelines and new Commercial Use Design Guidelines. Permits for 244 new residential building units, primarily infill, were issued, the second highest on record. /

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