Monday, October 02, 2006

DREAMTOWNS: Seven of the 10 small cities that offer the best quality of life are in western states, according to a study that identifies American "dreamtowns."

Bizjournals' study was inspired by the heavy public interest in small-town life and business opportunities. More than 1.7 million people move from metropolitan areas to small cities or rural counties each year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau research.

The study identifies the small communities that would be most attractive to people considering such a move. The highest scores go to well-rounded places with strong economies, light traffic, moderate costs of living, first-class educational systems, and good access to big-city attractions.

The study group was the nation's 577 micropolitan areas, which are defined as regions that are economically dependent on central cities with 10,000 to 50,000 residents. All Metropolitan areas were specifically excluded from the report.

Our Durango is the #3 ranked "dreamtown" in the nation. It's hard to believe that Bozeman, Mont. and Jackson, Wyo. came in ahead of Durango. Bozeman is too cold and Jackson too crowded. Then again, 3 out of 577 isn't so bad. Maybe that's why Durango is called the "Hidden Gem" of the San Juans.

You can be a part of this spectacular area. Give us a call or email us. We're here to help. Visit our websites and for more information on Durango real estate.

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