Monday, June 18, 2007

AIR CONDITIONING: Summer is here and while most homes in our area do not have central air conditioning and increasing number do. A few simple homeowner checks and maintenance will increase both the life of and the efficiency of your system.

Homeowner Checklist:

The amount of do-it-yourself air conditioning maintenance a homeowner can do is limited. However, there are a few steps that can help the system operate trouble-free and minimize the potential for consequential damage. Ensuring adequate airflow is perhaps the most important homeowner responsibility. Homeowners can (following manufacturer instructions):

* Clean or replace the filter(s) regularly.
* Keep leaves and other debris off the condensing unit.
* Keep the condensing coils clean by carefully brushing and hosing them.
* Keep shrubs and other plant growth that might obstruct airflow at least 18 inches away from the condenser.
* Maintain insulation on ductwork in attics and other unconditioned areas.
* Check the condensate drain for any sign of blockage or leakage. Water should be dripping from this drainline when the unit is running.
* Keep room input and return registers clear of furniture or other obstructions.

Selecting Trained Professionals:

If your air conditioner needs more than the regular maintenance described here, consult a qualified air conditioning technician. A well-trained professional can provide a thorough pre-season or maintenance evaluation and servicing as needed. Insufficiently trained service technicians forsake proper diagnostic procedures and often only perform stop-gap measures to keep a unit going. Such short-sightedness can have a drastic effect on other components leading to consequential failure of the entire system. At a minimum, a technician should:

* Check that the system contains the correct amount of refrigerant.
* Test for refrigerant leaks.
* Check for and seal duct leakage.
* Clean the blower components.
* Measure airflow through the evaporator coil.
* Verify the correct electric control sequence.
* Inspect electric terminals, clean and tighten connections.
* Oil motors and check belts for tightness and wear.
* Check the condensate system for backup or leakage.
* Check operating temperatures and pressures.
* Check the accuracy of the thermostat. /

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