Friday, March 16, 2007

HOME-AID: A Denver based homeless assistance group is looking to expand into La Plata County with the help of local builders and the La Plata County Regional Housing Authority.

HomeAid Colorado facilitates agreements between builders and social-care providers to provide housing for the temporarily homeless. Volunteers of America and Housing Solutions of the Southwest are the proposed local service providers, with Emil Wanatka with Timberline Builders spearheading the efforts of local homebuilders.

"This is a wonderful opportunity to have a public-private partnership," housing authority Executive Director Jennifer Lopez said in a news release. "I think having the support of a local homebuilder working with Housing Solutions to explore options for expanding transitional housing options is an exciting opportunity for the community."

In the release, Lora Sholes, homeless services manager for Housing Solutions, said her agency can handle only half of the cases in a year compared with the need for such services.

"We really could use additional transitional units in La Plata County," Sholes said. "On any given day, there are 30 families waiting to enter the program."

Sholes said her program aims to assist in-need families in their transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency within two years.

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