Tuesday, March 27, 2007

MORE ON WATER: In our previous posts we have talked about water rights and the delivery of water by direct diversion from the river or via irrigation ditches managed by ditch companies. This is "adjudicated water," i.e. water rights that have been established by the Water Court. Adjudicated water rights are generally transferred by water stock certificates from the ditch company. Assessments for delivery of adjudicated water are billed annually by the ditch company.

Another type of water is "project water." Project water is water stored at Lemon Dam. This water is measured in acre-feet and stored until it is needed. Lemon Dam stores 40,100 acre-feet of water in a normal year. The project water is delivered via ditches and measured in cubic feet per second (cfs.) Project water rights are usually transferred on the land deed. Assessments for project water are billed with your property taxes.

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