Monday, July 30, 2007

LPEA REFUNDS: The board of directors of La Plata Electric Association, our local energy co-op, voted to refund $2 million in capital credits to customers who have maintained an account with LPEA for at least one year. The amount of the refund will depend on the amount of money each customer has paid over the duration of each account.

The refunds will be credited directly to the customer's electric bills or mailed as checks to those who no longer have an active LPEA account or are scheduled for a refund in excess of $250.

Each year, payments made by customers that exceed the cost of providing the actual electric service are placed into a patronage capital account in each customer's name proportionate to the amount paid. The capital often is used to finance improvements such as additional electrical lines, poles, transformers and substations.

When the co-op's finances are healthy, as they are this year, the capital investment often is returned to the customer-members. Since 1939, LPEA has refunded more than $25 million to members.

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