Saturday, July 07, 2007

WATER: A stalled plan to form a potable-water district in southeast La Plata County where residents rely on wells or truck-in their water, is ready to move ahead.

Proponents filed a service plan with the county Monday. But nothing will happen immediately. Supporters are aiming at a mail in formation election-creation of the district and election of a board of directors-after the first of the year and a revenue election sometime thereafter.

State law says revenue elections must be held in May of even years or in November of any year. In this case voters would be asked to approve $25 million bonded indebtedness, a 5 mill tax levy and remove the district from state spending limits.

The proposed La Plata Archuleta Water District first bogged down in late 2003 when shareholders in the Pine River Irrigation District rejected the leasing of as much as 2,000 acre feet of water for a 400 square mile service area.

A recent court ruling said that individual shareholders could pool water to lease giving district backers new hope.

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