Monday, December 10, 2007

MAGIC: Saturday a large herd of elk, I counted 80 - 90 animals, spent the day lounging in the #8 fairway along Trimble Lane. Every car slowed to view these magnificent animals but no one stopped to alarm them even though they were only 50 feet from the road.

Later in the day, about 7:00, I was on the deck grilling hamburgers. A light snow was falling, mulit-colored Christmas lights lined the deck railing and ice cycles hung from the roof. In the distance you could hear the elk moving. Cooing, chirping and squealing (elk are very vocal) the entire herd slowly meandered closely past. In the dark their eyes sparkled, reflecting the Christmas lights like fireflies in a eerie procession. Then they were gone and left was the muffled silence of a snow fall.

Special animals, special times, magical memories- why we live in the beautiful San Juans.

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