Friday, December 28, 2007

WESTWARD HO': did a piece on "Why the West is Booming" commenting on an issue we've seen first hand for several years.

Demographers say thousands of Baby Boomers are saying 'no thanks' to the warmth of Florida and Arizona and heading to the Rocky Mountain West.

They're drawn by low crime, fresh air, little traffic and abundant outdoor activities. Although people of all ages like these things, older people tend to be flexible enough in their careers, families and finances to finally kick up their boots on the porch rail.

A significant percentage of our clients are 55+. Southwest Colorado in general and Durango in particular have exactly what they are looking for. Four fantastic seasons, brilliant blue skies, clean air and lots of friendly people.

1 comment:

Elmo said...

Great article on the real estate happenings, I really enjoy reading your posts. Just for your information, Donald Trump is in big trouble right now with his real estate empire. I hope everyone can pull through this slump!!


Real Estate Professional