Wednesday, May 31, 2006

HURRAY!: In an effort to keep up with other ski areas around the nation, Durango Mountain Resort has announced a $35 million project to construct a 130,000 square foot lodge at the base area. La Plata County commissioners unanimously approved plans for the six-story structure to be built on the southern side of the existing main mall plaza. Plans for the lodge and surrounding area include retail space, a restaurant, a day spa & salon, fitness center, pool and hot tubs, an outside bar, a stage and 37 in-lodge condominium units. The restaurant will replace Purgy's, a popular base-area bar and restaurant. Under the approved plan the resort will update the plaza itself, doubling it in width.

To be demolished: the current lift ticket office, the administration building and maintenance buildings in the existing plaza. In addition, the level of the existing skier drop off area will be raised up to meet the new plaza. The existing Purgy's won't be razed until the new building is complete, an estimated two years from this fall.

The project is part of the resort's 25 year plan initiated in 2004. In total, DMR plans to build 1,649 living units and 400,000 square feet of commercial space in six villages along both sides of U.S. Highway 550.

Skier services will not be disrupted during construction according to DMR's CEO Gary Derck. Derck said public feedback, including reactions to the future of Purgy's, has been positive. "It's been what our locals have asked for since we got here," Derck said. "All in all," he said, "I think people want to see it come up to snuff with other ski facilities."

Gary, as locals, we agree and are excited about the future of our ski area. Just one thing, is it ok for us old timers to still call it "Purgatory?"

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