Tuesday, October 02, 2007

OPEN SPACE: The dedication of a portion of Durango's sales tax to preserve open space was cited as a bright spot in the 2007 Colorado Conservation Trust report on land conservation statewide.

In 2006, Colorado land trusts and local government programs placed 167,500 acres of farm, ranches, wildlife habitat and scenic areas out of reach of development, according to the Trust's report. The total acreage protected statewide to date stands at 1,950, 693 acres, 2.9 percent of the state's total land mass.

In 2005, Durango voters approved a half-cent sales tax increase with the stipulation that half of the increase was to be used for capital projects (such as the new library) and the other half be spent on open space, parks and trails. Durango's land preservation program contributes to making Colorado a national leader in land conservation.


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