Thursday, October 18, 2007

WATER STANDARDS: Strict, new water standards approved by the La Plata County commissioners aim to curtail growth where the water supply is inadequate but make a concession to very small subdivisions by permitting them to rely on water being trucked in.

The standards apply only to new developments; existing subdivisions are not affected. Only two lot subdivisions, or in some cases, agricultural lands being subdivided into three lots, can rely on trucked in water. Land owners must prove no well water in available and sign a waiver saying La Plata Count cannot be held responsible in the case that they cannot find a water supplier.

The standards require subdivisions with five or more lots to do a comprehensive groundwater study, which can cost between $25,000 and $30,000. The amount of water required for each household would still be 350 gallons a day, but the new standards would allow developers to use a lower estimate if the could prove it was adequate.

The rules now become part of the county's new land-use code.

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