Friday, October 26, 2007

ROOF HEALTH: Winter weather can be harsh on roof systems. Making sure the roof drainage system is in good shape now will help minimize problems in a winter storm and prevent leaks.

In most cases, metal or plastic gutters are hung along the eave of the roof and carry the water to downspouts, which discharge the water at ground level. The downspouts must be large enough to handle all the water collected by the gutters in a reasonable time period. At least one downspout is usually needed for each 25-30 feet of gutter length.

Gutters must be sloped toward the downspouts for proper flow. The downspouts should be piped away from the house foundation to prevent water accumulation and eventual seepage into the foundation. If underground lines are present, be certain to keep them unclogged and flowing. Gutters and downspouts also help reduce erosion along the foundation and protect steps and walkways from unwanted water (and ice) buildup.

Regular cleaning of gutters and downspouts, especially after the fall, is essential. A major cause of roof drainage failure is blockage due to leaves, twigs and sediment buildup. Also, coating of gutter interiors and sealing of seams may be needed in some cases to prolong their useful life and prevent leakage.

Remember, these tips are only general guidelines. Since each situation is different, contact a professional if you have questions about a specific issue.

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